More Than Bread Devotional for 1/25/12

22 The faith that you have, keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgment on himself for what he approves.  – Romans 14:22

In God’s Word, there are lots of ways to be blessed.  There are whole chapters on blessings that God promises to those who hear and obey Him.  Paul here gives us another blessing, but it is a strange way to put it.  He is basically telling us that the things we approve or endorse should not be a source of embarrassment or shame.  We must be careful what we not only consider permissible for ourselves, but more so what we commend to others.  If you aren’t firmly convinced that something is good, then pray that God would show you the truth about it.  Bring it to the light of God’s Word and evaluate it there, between you and Him.  He will give you wisdom in these times when you ask for it.

About jeofurry

Husband, father, pastor, musician and who knows what else. Just living to love the Lord will all my heart, soul and might.
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